Up until this year, Earth Day wasn’t something I had appreciated since elementary school. Our teachers would sing songs to us about keeping our planet clean while we did arts & crafts all day long. Now here I am, 22, quarantined in my house…and all I can think about is everything out there that I’m missing out on. I’m dying for the moment we can get out and appreciate it all again. We should be extra thankful this Earth Day. That sounds ironic given the current circumstances revolving around COVID-19, doesn’t it? But it’s not…we are lucky.
Take today to appreciate that we live on this beautiful planet. Be grateful for health, fresh air and sunlight. Pray for those who aren’t getting to experience stepping outside because they are too ill.
Take today to soak in your surroundings. Whether you live by the mountains, on a beach, in the city, or a quiet neighborhood like myself, think about how lucky you are.
Take today to put down your phone or computer for just a few minutes. Put your mind at peace and take a break from all the negative news flooding our social media channels.
If there’s any good that can come from the coronavirus pandemic, it’s the newfound appreciation that many of us have found for life. We were given this chance to slow down, take a breath, and take care of our planet. The more good we put out into the world, the more we’ll get back in return.
And once we’re all out and about again…it’ll be better than ever.