Workplace Jazz teaches the strategies and steps professionals need to connect and transform their agile project teams and execute for optimum results.
According to McKinsey, “Research shows that hurtful workplace behavior can depress performance, increase employee turnover, and even mar customer relationships. And that Workplace relationships may be fraying as fewer employees work in the office and feel more isolated and less respected.”
The gap between workforce engagement and workplace productivity is widening. In a study conducted by Kronos and FutureWorkplace, “The biggest threat to building an engaged and transformational workforce in 2017 is employee burnout. The newest study in the Employee Engagement Series conducted by Kronos Incorporated and Future Workplace® found 95 percent of human resource leaders admit employee burnout is sabotaging workforce retention. Yet, there is no obvious solution on the horizon.”
What should leaders do to address this workforce engagement and productivity gap? Should companies keep implementing culture improvement processes and procedures that do not address the emotional connection that teams need? Should they just accept the status quo and try to keep moving forward?
Workplace Jazz offers a step-by-step process enhanced with stories, research, mini case studies, metaphors, and a strategic blueprint for developing connected and high-performing project teams based on my experience as a professional musician and certified business consultant.
It also includes stories about world-class artist, jazz musicians, and a highly skilled set of guest contributors who are musicians, well-known business authors and consultants.
High-Performing Agile Project Teams are critical to your workplace because they enable your staff to work well under pressure, they are less defensive, they are more open to feedback, and they want to understand each other and are more supportive.
Workplace Jazz offers insights into how to help your teams become successful High-Performing Agile Project Teams using the IMPROVISE framework to grow in the areas of emotional and conversational intelligence while experiencing the connections that professional musicians achieve when they’re performing in their peak performance zone.
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