Most of us know too much. The problem with knowing how our business is doing is that what we know is almost always a problem we don’t know. Why because what we know is most likely what prevents us from finding what we don’t know.
The danger of dying out.
It is bigger than a closed mind. It’s like “ending”: “I know it all. I don’t need to know.”
When I started taking golf lessons, I “politely” assumed that I knew 20 percent of everything I needed to know to be a good golfer. Two years later, after intense lessons and reducing my handicap from 12 to 1.9, I thought I knew about 2 to 3 percent of what it takes to be a good golfer.
When I started riding my bike seriously after back to school, I felt that I had it all since I was a child. Thousands of miles later, I am still trying to learn how to hit the top of the corner correctly to maintain my speed. And my stroke is extremely uneven, especially when I’m tired. There are a dozen other things that I have not even begun to understand.
He is with me all the time. Just when I think I have succeeded, I find that I am going blind again.
Live a wandering life.
The problem is that I am not sufficiently disabled. I have found that “adults do not learn until we are disabled.” When I feel like I know that I stop listening, and only learn when I realize I don’t have it all.
It jumps and bites me more when something goes wrong in the business, and instead of being open to new input, I come to a conclusion based on the current story in my head. And instead of working hard to find better solutions, I use those old answers that prevent me from moving forward. And all too often, I tell the story in my head that I am just a victim: the world around me is the problem.
But the worst consequence of believing in my existing and static stories is that you can prevent me from asking one of the best questions I know:
What do I pretend not to know?
Intensively, we all know a few simple things that will make our business work, and we work hard to dig deeper into them. Because generally what we know will make things better and I have to do more to fix my business than to fix it. I like to fix my business.
We can revolve around making a trade as the same unchanged person who started it, and get out on the other side of the tape. We too can sleep for a lifetime. Unfortunately, many people do. Or we can ask ourselves regularly what we pretend we don’t talk to a business mentor or friend to confirm our suspicions, and then how simple (but difficult) we need to proceed Need to deal with.
There are no magic seminars. Just a simple question.
There are several “three inch / six CD folder” seminars that will fix your business. But you can save a lot of money and be more effective if you just ask yourself regularly: