If you are sick and tired of not having enough time to do it all, then consider replacing your job with a work at home job. It really is the ultimate time management solution. Sure, if you’re a workaholic, unproductive or thrive on living an ultra-busy life, you’ll always have time management problems. Even if that’s the case, you will have more time to work with simply because you don’t have to leave your home every day to report to a job.
Save Time by Not Commuting
Whether your commute to work is one hour or 15 minutes each way, you can eliminate the time you spend in your car and in traffic and add it to other important things in your life. Imagine what you could do with an additional 30, 60 or 90 minutes each day, such as:
- Take a nap
- Start that hobby you’ve always wanted to try
- Exercise
- Play with your children
- Enjoy your spouse
- Organize and clean your house
- _(You fill in the blank)
I cannot imagine going back to sitting in traffic, dealing with the stress of other drivers on the road and the other tensions the most workers experience during a commute to work. The stress alone can rob you of your effectiveness to manage your time.
Save Time by Working Smarter
In every experience I’ve had at a job outside of the home, I’ve always felt that I could have completed the work faster and smarter at home. Perhaps you look at your job and think to yourself, “I’m happy to get paid, but I could do more in less time at home.” If your employer gave you the option to work at home for slightly less, you might say yes. Instead of spending 8 hours to do the job, you could work 6 hours a day and allocate the other 2 hours on household tasks and other family responsibilities. There’s no question that the potential is there for you to be more efficient and more productive if you work at home. If you commit to this type of work, then you’ll find yourself with more time than you’ve ever dreamed of.
Save Time with Immediate Action
Working away from home limits your ability to act immediately to some of the problems that arise with your spouse or children, or to deal with other personal problems. Waiting until you come home can sometimes compound the problem, which often requires more of your time. What if you could take immediate action when problems arise? For example, while working at home I’ve had to deal with toddlers vomiting due to a stomach flu, completing tasks for my husband that I forgot to do but needed to get done that day and may have required me traveling somewhere, and answering the phone and giving a response to an extended family member who needed one right away. You have to take immediate action within reason so that you don’t spend your entire day putting out fires. At the same time, some fires have to be responded to right away, and outside employment can make it difficult or even impossible to respond the way that you should.
You don’t have to struggle as much with time management if you make a decision to work at home. It won’t solve all of your problems, but you and your family will notice the difference. It really can have a great impact on your life.
Thank you for reading till the end.