The holidays are over. And it is time to go back to work. Fortunately, in my organization, there has been a change in that one does not necessarily have to go back to the office but we can work from home.
As long as we are working on our timelines and hitting targets, then the boss is happy. We also get to continue enjoying staying at home with the kids.
It is an exciting as well as relieving for all of us since we do not have to get bugged down by the daily commute to and from home everyday which can be really draining.
In the office, we also get ourselves getting homesick and minding so much about the children that we left back, wondering whether they are doing alright, whether the plumber came to fix that sink, how the househelp is finding it feeding our pets and all that.
To be honest, we find that we are constantly calling home anxiously asking how things are panning out. It really drains our productivity as well as waste company time.
What working from home means
For the past one week that I have been working from home, I would say that it has really been sweet. What with wearing your pyjamas to the home office, seating on that cozy armchair as you type your reports away, having ample time to play with the little ones as well as working alongside your furry pets.
It is indeed feeling so nice.
Spending time with the little ones
Spending time with my kids is probably something that I would not trade away. Never again. You see my kid is a late talker and during this period of time, I will be able to coach them on how to say words correctly as well as understand their personality.
They also like the concept of being homeschooled and spending lots of time with mummy, learning what makes her tick, what her work involves as well as see first hand how money is made.
Start a kitchen garden
I will be starting a kitchen garden very soon since I have all the time to do it. This will ensure that I have the healthiest of meals for my children without having to spend so much at the grocery store.
I also need to mention that my kids will now be enjoying organic, fresh tomatoes that they helped produce with mummy which is a great thing.
Care for the home
While working from home, one is also able to closely monitor things and make sure that leaky tap is fixed on time, that faulty bulb is replaced within no time as well as cleaning the entire house since there is all the time to do it.
It however also presents some problems here and there. For one I had bought some home office chairs as soon as I heard of the new work from home plans. I however did not make consideration that I have vinyl plank flooring that needs special chairs. So, when I brought them home, I found that they easily tore on my floor which is really bad. Had I known, I would have gone with these office chairs for vinyl plank flooring.
Work on my family new Year Resolutions
We have set some new year resolutions as a family of keeping healthy. So everyday before work, we are jogging in the living room and doing Hiits. We are also taking smoothies and reducing on our carb intake We look forward to continuing doing this. I believe that were we at work offices, we would not be able to do this effectively.