Leadership is a great responsibility and does not come easily. It takes a lot of effort to develop a mindset of a leader. Leadership requires courage, dedication, competence, individuality, creativity and most importantly; to learn from defeats and times of despair; enduring all the difficulties which life gives up.

Leadership occurs when one realizes the hidden reality of right and wrong and starts making an informed decision. A leader always studies and makes his assignments before approaching towards a certain goal. A leader may strike late but strikes hard, right on the head, and in the time of patience, keeps developing and educating himself/herself.

Some of the most important characteristics of a leader are;


Anyone who sees themselves as leaders can present their ideas, and give an original review about a certain point of view, rather than accepting it passively, like most of us. They dare to stand up for themselves and if someone needs help; they will fight for them too.

Leaders are always ready for action. They enjoy making events happen rather being invited to one, they like to take on responsibilities and when they make a decision; they stand by it. They also have strong communication skills and are aware of techniques to approach an unknown person.


Another most important characteristics of a leader are that they are creative in making different strategies and also have the will power to execute these strategies. Most people dream about their ideas but take a lifetime to pursue them. These people only dream, while a true leader makes up his/her mind and goes on to execute created plans and visions.

Solid during Change

The time of change is most challenging for a leader. It can be a change in leadership, organizational culture, merger, the inauguration of a new office; in any of these situations, leaders need to stay strong and face these challenges confidently and rationally. In these situations, a leader must possess strong change management skills through which he/she would be able to drive productivity even in transitional times.

Empowers Others

A true leader possesses a lot of charisma in their personalities, as they are responsible for delegating tasks both large and small, so they should be aware which task would be appropriate for the right people. An effective leader possesses the skills to engage team members in the decision-making process, empowering them and do whatever is required to deliver the best results possible. They are aware of empowering other people and helping them to reach their full potential.

Team Performance

According to the very nature of the title leader, they are required to guide other people and make them highlight their gaps and weaknesses. Different skill sets, work ethics and many other factors pose different challenges for a leader even when he/she is trying to improve team performance. If the leader manages to overcome these hurdles then he/she would be successful in helping other individuals to grow and foster higher levels of collaboration.


A leader knows when the time is right for a strike and which time is best to wait, have patience. In the times of patience, the leader keeps on working on himself, he consistently tries to enhance their skills and is not easily influenced by others. Leaders are the ones who themselves are influences, trendsetters, innovators and developers.

These are some of the characters which are a must for a leader to have, these characteristics make a leader, but the most important trait which a leader has is that they interrogate themselves, their weaknesses, they are aware of what they don’t possess and what skills they need to develop. In short, they are self-aware about themselves. You can also get help from the nursing essay writing service.


Since the year 1992, Stephen Hawking has acquired extensive experience in the field of Art and History. He has also established a diverse portfolio of programs. Moreover, He has been appointed as the head of leadership and learning programs all across the UK, He is taken as a valued partner to many executive teams. His broad experience, skills, and experience have allowed him to analyze, diagnose, and implement complex cultural changes in a manner that is both engaging and collaborative. He has been developing solutions that are both customized and unique according to the needs and preferences of his clients.