Cole Morgan, a 20-year-old Instagram entrepreneur, began on his road to success using the popular Instagram social media platform when he was just 14. Making meme pages and having an artistic knack for well-laid-out pages soon led to him start getting reached out to by brands and businesses looking to have him do paid promotions. From there, he has become wildly successful, amassing over 3 million followers across all of his Instagram pages. Yes, Cole’s got Instagram figured out, which is why he is looking onward into future opportunities.
After 6 years of being in the Instagram game, Cole is looking ahead to even brighter and bigger prospects. What has always stuck with him was his dedication and passion for sharing curated content with others in a way that would make them laugh, intrigued, and shocked.
All of the success he has achieved is something he sees going in a direction that lines up with something he did when he was just 14. Back then, besides starting his soon-to-be-successful path into the world of Instagram, he also founded his own clothing company. These days, he is thinking about that initial success he had with fashion on a small scale, and is looking to see what he can achieve when it comes to fashion in e-commerce. Now, he sees e-commerce and social media going hand-in-hand. In fact, it seems like it’s inevitable.
Cole sees Instagram, a platform with over a billion users, is looking like it will continue to grow by all accounts. That means there will be new trends that people like Cole need to stay on top of if they want to continue their success. When it comes to social media marketing, the algorithms are constantly changing, which means you need to stay on top of the latest growth strategies. Cole is someone who knows this, and makes sure his finger is on the pulse of the latest features and trends.
Instagram is essentially an advertising platform, which is something that Cole had figured out early on. It’s thanks to his keen insight into what works and what doesn’t for social media marketing that has led him to create a multi-million follower empire on Instagram across several viral accounts. He has now shifted into affiliate marketing due to how popular his pages have become over the years.
Cole is always looking for brands and influencers who could use his help to grow their audiences and sell more products. If you have a business, brand, or Instagram page that you are finding difficulty growing on Instagram, Cole can help.
Reach out to Cole through his personal Instagram page here. From there, you can also check out all of his other viral Instagram pages and other projects he has launched. Cole’s path to success is one that you can have as well, if you know what strategies to follow and tactics to use to become successful and grow on Instagram.