by Judith Ogedegbe, Certified Life & Executive Leadership Coach
Most people are very familiar with the expression – happiness is free! The moments this phrase is recited are typically in situations when a person is in a good mood and things seems to be working well as planned, expected or hoped for. It is easy to dance, laugh and click champagne glasses in celebration chanting in agreement – happiness is free!
On the flip side, how often do you roll my eyes, pull a long worried or sad face and want to lie in bed when the reverse is the case and things are not going as expected or planned. We become accustomed to judging and analyzing situations that seem to be the opposite of what we had expected and hoped for, that we seldom forget our exalted phrase that happiness is free.
If you believe that there are no coincidences in life and everything happens for a reason when things are working well for you, why is it difficult to accept unexpected events and situations, and hope for the best of what that situation will bring to you or teach you.
Happiness lies in the consciousness of your life. Unless you are able to fully appreciate every single part of your life, including the lessons you are learning each step of your life’s journey, you cannot be happy.
Some of life’s blessings are often lost in our interpretations or assumptions of the expected outcomes, because in our “infinite wisdom” we have done our mathematical calculations and algebras to figure out the best outcome. Once you are wedded to a particular outcome, you become adrift to your supremacy in enquiring these three pertinent questions that bring you to an appreciative state –
- What is this teaching me?
- What is the possible blessing in disguise here?
- What am I learning about myself in this situation?
By asking these questions, you can become a little less sad, whining and self- absorbed. You will become more self-aware, open-minded and accepting. Just as you have the power of being merry, spreading joy and putting out your cheerful spirits that fills the room, when you affirm happiness the free, you can hold yourself accountable to making the best out of any situation that is seemingly unpleasant with these three questions.
here are some people who have the happy
Happiness lies in the consciousness of your life. Unless you are able to fully appreciate every single part of your life, including the lessons you are learning each step of your life’s journey, you cannot be happy.
Happiness is indeed free. It has no cost! It does not need extravagance, wealth, power and influence to have it all. Very often people say give me all the riches and I will be happy. Well, think of the countless extravagantly wealthy and successful people whose lives have been enveloped in frustration, drug addiction, discontentment, loneliness or some other painful event, then you will be able to reason out how little wealth has to do with real happiness..
Until you are able to see that real happiness lies in the absolute gratitude of your total state of being which includes who you are, what you are in all situations in your life and rest on that appreciation, you cannot be happy.
Your accountability to be happy rest on your ability to be immensely grateful always.