
In a world where technology has evolved so much, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the natural beauty around us. But what if you could use your imagination to bring back some memories?

Have you ever looked at a bright spring day and thought back to your childhood days of running through freshly cut grass and feeling the warmth of the sun on your face? Or when you look at a dark winter’s night, do you remember trudging carefully up snowy paths in search of a peaceful moment alone with your thoughts?

Your memories can be brought back to life using colors, from the comforting memories of a beautiful spring day to the exciting memories of moving into your first home. Different colors affect our mind in different ways and can influence your moods and emotions when you use them creatively. So let’s look at how we can harness the power of color to help unlock some strong emotions within us…

1. It’s magic!

We are all surrounded by colors, so it’s quick and easy to take them for granted. But have you ever thought about how they make you feel? Or what effects they may have on other people?

Colors can affect the way we feel in ways that other senses can’t. For example, the sound is something that surrounds us at all times; but how does it influence our emotions? Similarly with taste – do you really think about how “buttery” or “salty” certain foods are when you eat them? No! We simply enjoy the flavors! 

But there is one sense which can control our moods without us even realizing; until now, if maybe… Colors are unique because our brains are wired to respond to them before anything else (even before we are born)! We learn about the world through our five senses, but they are all connected to the brain. And it’s in this part of us that colors really need to be understood.

The colors that surround us every day can bring great joy or great sadness. And yet, despite this, they are often taken for granted by the human eye.

There is a reason why we connect with certain colors, and it’s not just down to personal preference. We can choose to feel how we want using color and even figure out what kind of person we are by the colors we pick!

2. Consider the power of color in everyday life

Colour can be used to express meaning and feeling. It can also be used as a tool to influence the moods of others. Use colors in your everyday life – such as wearing blue jeans or red lipstick – but consider how you feel when people wear those colors; do you feel relaxed, happy, sad…?

Fashion has always been an excellent way for people to express themselves through creative clothing choices. Colour symbolism has been used for centuries to describe human emotions. Tattoo artists in San Francisco have been known to use color-changing ink to allow their clients to express themselves in ways they never thought possible.

3. How does it affect us?

Our minds are a complex mesh of thoughts, memories, and emotions. But the fact is we all feel things more strongly in response to certain colors. Have you ever been walking along on a dark winter’s night and felt a sudden surge of sadness wash over you? Or have you ever seen something particularly shocking or upsetting and thought, “I’d never want to see that color again”?

Your thoughts about color can actually have a subconscious effect on how you feel, so being aware of what certain colors mean to us can go some way towards making our lives a little easier by understanding ourselves better.

4.  The darkest depths of our minds

It’s interesting to note that some colors can actually induce feelings of depression, anxiety, and even fear. And the more we think about it, the more obvious this is when we stop to look at what is happening around us every day. Driving through a city center will make most people feel uncomfortable as they pass from bright lights and colors into dark alleyways where everything feels grey and lifeless.

The effect of certain colors on our minds is something we often don’t pay attention to but can have a big impact on our emotions, so understanding how it works can be a useful tool in helping us deal with life’s problems.


When we consider the power of color and how it can evoke certain emotions in us, we can make more informed decisions about our choices every day. The world would be a much duller place if our eyes were limited to just black and white. We must take advantage of these gifts that nature has given us to enjoy all that life has to offer.
