If you’re not getting the right results or don’t have the right team around you, the only thing you can do is look in the mirror. There is either a lesson that you need to learn, somewhere you need to grow or something you haven’t been fully stepping into.
It all comes back to you.
And if you didn’t choose your team, but are now in the position of leading them, it’s your responsibility to take them to that next level. You’ve been given them for a reason because there is a lesson and a learning there for you to step into being a greater leader.
Reflect on the type of leader that you currently are.
– Do you create an environment of trust and safety?
– Do your people know where you stand with them?
– Is how you lead and treat others on a daily basis aligned with your highest self?
– Do you catch your emotions and your thoughts before reacting?
– Are you committed to challenging yourself and those around you for the greater good of the team, the organization and for their own personal development?
-Do you have proactive conversations when difficult topics or situations arise?
Yes, being a great leader and transforming your team will take more time on your part. But you can’t expect greatness if you’re not leading and role modeling through greatness and showing them the way. It starts with you.
Part of what we do at Thrive is help organizations and leaders create a people-focused, High Performance Culture and to help leaders create more leaders within their teams. We provide the tools and training for organizations, leaders and individuals to shift from the inside-out and create a purpose-driven entrepreneurial team environment.
The world needs strong leaders now. Better leaders. More courageous leaders. We need those leaders to start showing up in all areas of life. If this resonates with you and you’d like to see how Thrive could help your organization, check out my website: https://www.thrivehighperformanceleadership.com