Don’t give up, don’t look down. Your time is coming, your time is now. This is the time. You have to do what you’re meant to do. You’re meant to change and reform things. You’re meant to expose things and make light of things. The world is dangerous and so are you.

Be the best you can be, do the best you can, be the best at what you do, and don’t care what anybody thinks about you. You are you. If you waste time living someones else’s life, what is the meaning of yours? Find your fate, find your path. You are you and everybody knows that. You may not, you will soon realize, it’s just a matter of time.

There is no such thing as luck. It’s fate and the universe, it has to be on your side. You are at the right place, at the right time. Right now, right here, now. What you did yesterday, will help you today, and tomorrow. It’s on you, you have the power, to get where you want.

Fight, resist, and use your resources to get what you need and jump to the occasion. If you don’t jump or if you just try, you know one thing. You’ve learned. You’ve learned something from that experience. If you don’t learn, well did you even try? To get where you want is going to take grit, faith in yourself, and confidence and intellect.

Don’t be tyrannical, nor break the law. Be respectful, be human. Not someone else, someone who is a heathen? The speed of thought will take you far, it could help you right now, in reality. Yo uhave the power, you have the fight. The fight is yours, this is your occasion, use your might. If not now, when?

Don’t give in, don’t give up, pick yourself up. This is your time, right here, right now!