Having a comfortable space in your home to work from sounds great, but where does one start when it comes to building it? Whether you are starting from scratch or you already did most of the work except decorating it, we will show you how to make your home office look comfortable, tasteful and practical at the same time. Here are some useful tips we’ve prepared for you:
Organize, divide… conquer!
Working from home means that you have to pay attention to keeping all of your files and important documentation in one place. You want to find a spacious area in your office to-be and put in some effort into building it. One way to do it is by installing a lot of book shelves above your desk or simply dedicating a wall just to them. Another way is to purchase filing cabinets for your documents. The drawers would make it easy for you to sort everything and keep it in order. Whichever option works best for you, you have the freedom to choose what it will look like depending on your personality – maybe you are the visual type and you like to have everything sorted on shelves so you can see it, or maybe you are a minimalist and like to keep your clutter stored away. Think about the nature of your work and try to organize your home office in a way that suits your needs.
Colors and accent pieces to liven it up
Working in a bright and inspiring space is very important for your mood as well as for your overall performance. Consider painting the walls in your working area color that best suits the nature of your job. If it requires a lot of creativity, paint it yellow. If there’s a big amount of mental work needed, go with blue – it is said to calm you down. Red is a good option for places where there is a lot of physical work involved, while green color is used in rooms to give them some balance. However, limit the color palette to three colors per room in order to get a sense of balance and cohesiveness. Another thing you can do to make your home office look vibrant and lively is to spice it up with some colorful pieces of furniture like ottomans and chairs while adding a nice antique rug to your office will make it look more comfy and cozy.
Comfort to give your productivity a boost
Number one item that you need to invest in is a high-quality, comfortable chair. It is so important to give your back good support during the day, especially if you are working long hours in the same position. Also, make sure that the height of your chair is adjustable so that it can easily adapt to the height of your desk. Another important thing to consider adding to your home office is air conditioning. The reason is, working in an office when the high temperatures strike can be very tiring, costing you time and productivity. Therefore, countries with a warm climate such as Australia have made some innovative changes when it comes to air conditioning due to the high temperatures they are experiencing. Namely, there is an ongoing trend there – installing energy-efficient and cost-effective appliances in order to increase overall productivity. Quick and affordable air conditioning installation in Sydney and cities alike is a good option for Australians who prefer air-conditioning to fans to cool themselves during those hot, sunny days. The benefits of having AC are numerous. Installing such a device in your home office will provide you with an efficient working environment while optimizing your productivity levels.
Let your personality shine through
Just because it is an office, that doesn’t mean that you can’t incorporate some of your favorite things into that space. Make it look more personal and homely by displaying some inspiring artwork or adding a vase with your favorite flowers. You can add a personalized pencil holder or hang a few posters with some inspirational quotes. Install a pegboard above your desk to keep track of your to-dos or use some sticky notes to write down important information. To make entering into your home office seem less abrupt, try to match the style of your home office to the rest of your home – simply because you have that freedom. That way it won’t seem like a separate area on its own but rather like a well-connected, cohesive whole.
Designing your workspace in a way that makes it look and feel like a real office but with a personal touch is sure to give you the much-needed motivation and energy to meet those deadlines and be a more productive and organized individual overall.