Robin Sharma – author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The 5AM Club once said.

“Change is hard at first, Messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”

This is so very true.

So after 7 years of the Peri-Menopause, I would like to share with you my 8 tips to “Reframe the Change’  – This is not the end of your story but the beginning of a bright new chapter.


Communication is key – speaking to family and friends, join online support groups, letting them know what you know and how you feel, and some days it may just be “I have no idea what is going on with me today, so bear with me’  


Set a regular Date Night – this is a game changer!

Your partner is scared too, it has become so easy to say ‘my partner doesn’t understand me’ of course they don’t, you are literally changing so keep them in the loop don’t allow a barrier to come between you.  I have sat with my husband and  spent hours drawing out mind maps (I love mind maps) on how we are feeling and what we can both do (realistically) to help and support each other.


We spend so much of our lives being the person that others want us to be, from peer pressure at school, following a career path that has been ’In the family’ to fitting in to social circles that don’t actually benefit us at all.  Listening to other’s needs, wants and opinions – now is the time to listen to yourself and be honest.


We are programmed from a young age on how and when to show or not show emotions – they are YOUR emotions, your souls way of communicating with you – don’t shut them up or ignore them, it is not polite or kind. Instead, embrace them, acknowledge what they are trying to tell you, then deal with it.  The best way to do this is to write them down in a journal – sometimes you just need to ask yourself Why? A few times, sometimes you just need to accept the emotion take a breath and let it go, no questions asked.


This is probably one of my best tips, I never had a problem with alcohol but I was definitely drinking way too much.  When you mix unacknowledged emotions and wine it is like mixing baking soda and vinegar – it will bubble over and get out of hand.  Since removing alcohol from my life, I have become calmer, I sleep better, my stress levels reduced, my mood is brighter and I can’t remember the last time I had a cross word let alone an argument with my husband.


Choose a move that you love, do what makes you feel great, dancing in the kitchen, hula hooping, HIIT, swimming, roller skating…. Whatever it is release those happy hormones – and add in some strength training to protect your bones. Make this a daily habit – you will be eternally grateful for this – 30 mins a day – mind, body and soul will thank you.


People, thoughts, TV, Radio whatever it is, if something or someone brings negativity near you, pick up your super hero shield and deflect it.  You are in control you are the master of your thoughts do not allow others to invade and plant their negative seeds.


Take out your journal, and write down what life will look like in 12 months’ time, this is your story, so as nature shakes it up a bit, embrace it begin to dream BIG then boldly and courageously go and achieve those dreams.

Life throws us curve balls just to keep us on our toes.

I believe that when these things happen it is the universe reminding us that we are made of stronger stuff and to not forget who we truly are.

We grow from our experiences – we just need to be brave enough to embrace them

We survived puberty, we can rock the menopause.

So next time you look in the mirror ask yourself – who am I?

Reply with…….

‘I am brave’ ‘I am courageous’ ‘I am kind’ ‘I am passionate’  ‘I am ME’

Ready to invest in yourself and embark on a Journey of Rediscovery contact me to book a free discovery call


  • Kate Drummond

    Health & Life Coach

    The Purposeful Life

    Kate Drummond is an experienced Health & Life Coach, or as her clients call her 'their Lifestyle Guru' who can help you create and live a life you love. Kate's approach is one of wholism, how we do one thing is how we do everything.  A Plant-based Nutrition practitioner seeking healthy longevity for our planet and all who live on her. Teaching women all over the world how to live a happier, healthier, and more purposeful life, a forever learner, an eternal optimist. Dedicated to helping you create the life you want.