Educator, Coach, Community Advocate, Lifelong Learner, and Goal Digger
Aida Tate is an educator with experience in both the private and public sectors of education. She is a lifelong learner who has been a National Board Certified classroom teacher, instructional coach, English learner coordinator, founding charter school principal, and district administrator. In 2002, Aida received the California State University, Northridge, Distinguished Elementary Education Alumna Award. In 2005, Aida's contributions to her students, school, and community were recognized by the California Department of Education during her employment at a high-priority school. In 2012, Aida was the recipient of the Founding Principal Award, by the school's board of directors, for successfully starting a charter school from the ground up. Aida earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from California State University at Northridge and conducted research on strategies, systems, and leadership at turnaround schools. She continues to share her observations and experiences through online articles and forums.