Congratulations for your “Backtoschool” action!

I think that in time it will be rewarded. In twenty years plenty of adults will be able to say: “My return at school after the COVIS-19 crisis, changed my life…” and they will say how your back to school action inspired them to become better persons.

I also think that the crisis is not over and going further with such an action, would be worthy, especially because Christmas comes.
I observed that Fair Trade has very good products, with good prices, that are not luxuriously packed.

I would propose to prepare a series of luxurious packages for Fair Trade chocolate, tea, or spices advent calendars. I would be able to donate some paintings of my daughters or of mine as well as plenty of other well known or anonymous artists, for the package of these calendars.
Of course, the profits would be used to give plenty of children an advent calendar on the 1st of December.

I would like to hear it if you would like to go on further on this action and
it would be for us an honor to contribute with our imagination to a better Christmas for plenty of children.


  • Corina Ross

    Ph.D. Textile Engineer

    Ross Consulting & Solutions

    First of all, I was shy and I thought that I cannot freely contribute to Thrive Global, knowing Arriana Huffington charming, wise and deep English. Afterward, I thought, whatever I had never lived or learned in an English speaking land, I had passed one TOEFL to achieve one scholarship in Germany and whatever I am engineer, I can still try to share my ideas with you. Reading your Contributor onboarding guideĀ  I thought that I fit your community. I opened my business with the idea to enlarge my spirituality, meaning to stop driving 100 km/day to the job and back, to stop endlessly risk my life and solve all my important housework on Sunday. The average of women in the industry is 2%, and fairest employers don't go over 10% percent. The women that had opened firms in engineering can be counted on the fingers all over the world. Statistically speaking, my firm doesn't have any chance. In any case, I continue to develop my spirituality, to work on new projects, to believe in the sustainability and the future of textiles, and of my consulting firm.