First of all, I was shy and I thought that I cannot freely contribute to Thrive Global, knowing Arriana Huffington charming, wise and deep English. Afterward, I thought, whatever I had never lived or learned in an English speaking land, I had passed one TOEFL to achieve one scholarship in Germany and whatever I am engineer, I can still try to share my ideas with you. Reading your Contributor onboarding guideĀ I thought that I fit your community.
I opened my business with the idea to enlarge my spirituality, meaning to stop driving 100 km/day to the job and back, to stop endlessly risk my life and solve all my important housework on Sunday. The average of women in the industry is 2%, and fairest employers don't go over 10% percent. The women that had opened firms in engineering can be counted on the fingers all over the world. Statistically speaking, my firm doesn't have any chance. In any case, I continue to develop my spirituality, to work on new projects, to believe in the sustainability and the future of textiles, and of my consulting firm.