Our clothing is a “talking” communication tool. It carries a certain message, which is used by talented representatives of the fashion industry, communicating with the world through their creations. So why not express yourself through an individual style, sending messages about what is inside us? Not for everyone to understand, but for the very act of self-creation, the opportunity to hear oneself and trust oneself.
An individual style of clothing is a way to pack your “I” in a suitable personal shell that communicates something important about us to others. When we buy things, responding to the inner impulses of the soul, we create a unique wardrobe, thanks to which we can feel comfortable in any atmosphere: both with loved ones at home, and at a social event. We can take into account the scope of the dress code, public image, etiquette, but they no longer limit us in our sensations.
You can make successful sets, buy fashionable things, but this only means that we are doing well with the “packaging” of the body. If, when going shopping, we “do not take” the inner essence with us, this can be seen in a number of signs:
- A utilitarian approach to wardrobe configuration. We choose clothes, focusing exclusively on temperature (cold, hot), make an image in order to arouse interest or, conversely, not to attract attention, not to stand out from the crowd.
- Chaotic experiments with style and fashionable images for certain reasons, and not for the sake of finding your outfit.
- A pile of things in the closet, constant updates “under the season”, frequent purchases without pleasure. Moreover, every day we wear the same fairly limited set of things.
- Large-scale or small changes in life that are not reflected in clothing.
- Strong emotional stress, tears, discomfort in the body as a response to the realization that there is nothing to wear.
If you are familiar with these signs, you should consider a more thorough and deeper search for your style.
I realized that it was time to change something when I discovered all five signs. My wardrobe consisted of a huge amount of poor-quality, poorly combined, inappropriate clothes, behind which my personality hid. Nothing criminal, sometimes even beautiful. I only bought things for the closet, and not for myself. I was a little real in the wardrobe. The gap for future transformations is even less. Awareness of the problem was almost at zero.Реклама 14
Until mid-2018, the problem was “covered” by a pile of clothes for all occasions. I experimented with style, tried fashion trends. Sometimes she frankly missed the images, sometimes she hit the bull’s-eye.
At the same time, I really changed and developed as a person. I fell in love and really trusted in another, defended my dissertation, began to write and work with clients, overcoming impostor syndrome, became a mother. Accumulated a critical mass of mini-changes and put clothes in a closet, because she wore a little, but bought a lot.
She changed her hair color, went through an operation to remove appendicitis, celebrated her 30th birthday in the best traditions of the Sabbath. For the first time she cried into an open nightstand, realizing that there was nothing to wear. My body still had something to wear. I couldn’t express myself internally.
I began the path to an individual style with the realization of my personal characteristics. I realized which of them I would like to broadcast with the help of clothes, and found a support team. Here’s what I recommend to those who are in urgent need of change.
- Gather information about yourself. Formulate how you perceive yourself, re-read old diaries, review photos over the past ten years. Mark what has been repeated and what has recently appeared in you. Ask loved ones (especially those whose opinion you rely on when selecting images) how they would describe you, introducing you to a stranger.
- Find the psychological reasons that make you fill the closet with exactly these things and direct your searches in a certain direction. Answer the following questions in writing: what is the most difficult thing when compiling an image from existing things? What do you want to change or improve in your own style? What does a person look like whose style you would describe as individual and original? What prompted you to change?
- Ask your stylist for help. Picking up pictures on Pinterest, you can again return to experiments in clothes, but not to changes in the ways of “packing the soul”. Look for a person-oriented specialist: you should have the impression that you are talking with a “wardrobe psychologist”. Such a person should not pour in special terms instead of figuring out the features of the daily routine, hobbies.
A true professional will teach you to talk about what is important in yourself, using the language of clothing, help you decide on a concept and style
I found one. After talking with five specialists who promised to pick up a basic set of clothes in the shortest possible time, to make a wardrobe by color type or by the sign of the Zodiac, I finally turned up at the reception of a “psychologist for the wardrobe”. Her questionnaire had many questions about what I expect from a future transformation. I felt that I was understood, and completely trusted the stylist. Try to to wear, as a Italian experts says, a good and expressive “reggiseni a balconcino“. This is mainly for women.
A true professional will teach you to talk about what is important in yourself, using the language of clothes, help you decide on a concept and style, change your approach to shopping, conduct an audit of things in your closet and help you make sets of what’s left, so clever that you seem to rediscover the wardrobe.
Reflection is necessary in order to learn how to express oneself – first thanks to clothes, and then with the help of other tools and in other areas of your life.