I wish there was a breakup coach in my reach in my twenties before I met my fiance’. I could’ve really used advice from a professional instead of doing the normal silly breakup antics; looking at his social media pages, crying to my girlfriends and maybe hitting the nightclub on one too many work nights. It was unhealthy and not working. I go the chance to speak to Lee Wilson about his “Ex Back Coach” career and experience. A more healthy way to cope with the hardships of a breakup.
1) How did you get into or even into breakup/relationship coaching? Is this something you always wanted to do or did you have an experience to get into it?
I started relationship coaching around 2001. It was a gradual entrance so the exact time I started is difficult to say. I was just out of college and working for a nonprofit company who did marriage consulting or what some might call marriage coaching. My job was to travel with the President of that company as he did his workshops and seminars. I learned an awful lot about relationships during that time and after traveling with him for a year or more, a marriage coach from that company developed a terminal illness. He had to resign and it was a very sad time because we all admired and cared about him a great deal. Since I knew their material and approach so well, the company asked me to fill in for him until they could hire a replacement. After about three months, they asked me to do marriage coaching full time because my clients liked me and I was taking on more new clients than any of the other consultants/coaches.
Long story short, I eventually went out on my own and started providing breakup coaching to unmarried people as well.
2) You have a lot of different types of clients. How do they find out about you?
Most of them find me on my YouTube channel or they find my breakup coaching website through a Google search or link from another website. I also receive a large number of referrals from people who went through a breakup who I was able to help.
3) You have been in a lot of top press like Cosmopolitan, The Sun, Elite Daily, Bustle, Bravo TV online, etc? How did you first get into press interviews?
I first got into press interviews when people started finding my YouTube videos. Actually, the interesting thing is that a lot of journalists and bloggers have gone through breakups, gotten my help through coaching or my Emergency Breakup Kit, and then written about it.
5) Tell us more about the “No Call Rule” that has been the talk of the media when googling Coach Lee.
I call it the “no contact rule,” because it’s actually more than just not calling. It’s also not texting, reaching out to your ex on social media, emailing, visiting, or even liking a post of theirs on Facebook. The no contact rule is not initiating contact with your ex at all after the breakup. The reason for this is because you must allow your ex to experience the breakup or they won’t know if they really wants it or not. What’s more, your ex must have an opportunity to miss you or else there’s no motivation to get back together with you. It’s surprising to most people how incredibly effective the no contact rule usually is.
6) We hear there is a “Emergency Breakup Kit.” What does that entail?
At one point I was booked out more than two months for coaching calls. I knew that people needed help sooner than that and were in panicked situations where they needed direction. So I put together a video series that I called the “Emergency Breakup Kit,” and offer it on my website for people who are wanting to get their ex back. There’s a lot of material, but its focused objective is to help you get your ex back and to be as close to having a few coaching calls with me as possible. A lot of people have gotten their ex back with the online kit.
7) What do you plan on doing next with your breakup coach business?
I have decided to make more YouTube videos in 2020 than I did in 2019. I also plan to do some courses for followup after getting an ex back, attracting a boyfriend or girlfriend, and a course on mindfulness.
8) What’s your success rate? Do clients ever go back after a second breakup?
The system that I use is based on the one I learned and was trained in at the nonprofit I worked for twenty years ago. That system was studied by Augusta State University who determined that it had greater than a 75% chance of saving a marriage that would divorce otherwise. I certainly have clients come back after a breakup happens a second time and that is why I plan to do a course on preventing breakups (a followup for after getting an ex back).
9) Any testimonials or case studies you can share?This is a recent testimonial from a female who wishes to remain anonymous:
“Coach Lee, A few months ago you gave me guidance on how to mention to my ex about the time he was talking about marriage. I was reluctant but did it anyways at the time you suggested. His response was, ‘you’re not thinking of getting married right away are you?’ Maybe this response isn’t what most girls want but it’s definitely a huge win! What he didn’t say was, “I’ll never get married” or worse “we will never get married.” And he’s coming to my bbq tomorrow which is an even bigger win. I can’t accurately call him my ex any longer! I didn’t know if I’d ever be in this position and so many times thought of giving up. It wouldn’t be possible without you! This is the only guy I’ve ever wanted to fight for. He’s so great
. Thank you!!! You really know what works!
10) For my Thrive Global readers, how can they make an appointment?
When I am taking coaching calls they can be scheduled at MyExBackCoach.com.
Coach Lee is a relationship coach with over 20 years in the relationship-recovery service. He helps people get their ex back after a breakup and helps people become their most attractive self in order to find the love of their life. His website is http://MyExBackCoach.com.