I’ve been very blessed to have been able to at least begin carving my niche in the fashion space. The past year has brought fantastic highlights such as attending/covering NYFW (and going backstage at the Tibi show!), being named Fohr’s Top Influencer for Givenchy and Tods, being featured on places like BuzzFeed, Palanpur Online, BeautyBoss, and Bella NY Magazine, and collaborating with Reebok (x3), Guerlain, Clarins, Lancome, and Jimmy Choo, to name a few.
However, I feel that perhaps hidden behind all this fashion content I’ve been creating is a story: one about the actual philosophy behind why I dress the way that I do. This is what I want to share with you all throughout my content in 2019. 🙂
My heritage, culture, and upbringing all play integral roles in my guiding belief that being sexy doesn’t necessarily mean showing skin. In fact, owing in part to my Indian background and in part to my internship experiences, what I truly find sexy is a well-cut garment that has unique intricacies and is of the utmost quality. Thus is my love for luxury fashion
I remember coming across an article detailing what posts perform well on Instagram, and was–let’s say–put off when I found out that the highest performing posts were of women showing the most skin. In an age where so many fashion bloggers are just planning and creating content to go “viral,” I felt like I couldn’t identify. I’ve never overly planned a post just because I know it’ll get the highest response, because I feel like that would be near lying to you all–and if there’s one thing a Sagittarius isn’t, it’s a liar.
I’m actually really happy that #modestfashion is a thing nowadays. I derive just as much fashion, style, and cutting-edge inspiration from the most graceful and covered up women as I do from the Kardashians, and I cannot say that either side is correct or incorrect. Personally, I just know that I’m passionate about adapting trends to suit my own style, and I’m not someone that’s comfortable showing too much. Not because I’m embarrassed, but because it simply doesn’t make me feel empowered. Still, I’m not shaming those who do it–in fact, more power to you ladies!
All I know is what my purpose is at the current moment, and that still remains: “to empower the driven dreamers of the world to embrace luxury fashion as a creative outlet.” That sounds a bit fluffy, so let me break it down. I want women, especially those of dual or multiple cultures, to feel empowered and confident in their fashion choices because those make up their identities. I’m not saying you must agree with me on my definition of sexy. I’m just saying that no matter where you are on the spectrum of wanting to bare it all to not wanting to show any skin, own it. even if it’s not in line with what the hottest celebrities are wearing. Throw away that self-doubt, and give yourself a pat on the back, instead, for channeling the experiential or culturally-derived values that drive your fashion choices.
And, if you can’t do that just yet, stick with me this year (on Instagram and on this blog), and hopefully we’ll have you there in no time.