Earlier this week, I decided to cut out an additional side project in which I would be coaching part time for a particular organization. There were hours of training, an exam, and structured sessions necessary to partner with them. This seemed to be like a lot of work for only a several hour weekly commitment of a side job. In the past, I would simply go along with this, not thinking much of what was required. Yet the older I get, the more I try to pivot towards authenticity. I am asking myself “What do I really want to do?” versus telling myself “this is something I should do. I am turning up the volume of my internal wisdom. Not only is the sound getting louder, but I am finally listening.
To say no to this does not equate with fear that nothing else will come along. To say no is to say yes to a more true me. After I made this decision, I listened. The next day synchronicity arose from the books I was reading, and ideas shared within them. Clarity arose. I recognized I wanted to focus my extra energy and hours (outside of my full time job and other commitments) towards my writing world. A brilliant idea came to pitch a course to another organization, and finally self publish my second book, that has been sitting for the past year, waiting to be read.
When we remove the excess, truth is revealed.
This does not mean when “stuff” is removed, it should automatically be replaced with more “stuff.” What it means is that when we declutter, space is made available to see our internal longings. From this, we can choose to act wisely.
It’s up to you of how you want to view what “stuff” means to you. “Stuff” can equate with tangible things like clothes, shoes, paperwork. What it can also mean is busy-ness, toxic people, negative thoughts, commitments. Ironically, this is what my book The Subtraction Method: Mastering the Art of Less is about. More to come on that in the upcoming months.
Ask: What in your life can you work on removing?
Release: Can you allow yourself the privilege to release that which no longer serves you?
Intuit: Once this process is completed, listen. What does your intuition say?
Act: Take action.
The process is simple, but it’s so necessary to allow space to listen before replacing. Then act from a place of wisdom versus fear. Share your experience with me.