Have you ever thought of quitting your life? Almost all of us would have had thought about killing ourselves in certain situations. Suicidal behavior is evident in humans throughout history. It has always been a global concern.

Research shows that about 10 lakh people attempted suicide last year, out of which 8 lakh people have died. Data reveals that only 10% were impulsive suicides, and the remaining 90% are planned suicides. Further, studies have found that only 30% of people kill themselves due to psychological issues, and the remaining 70% were due to situational problems. It is also the second leading cause of death among adolescents.

Even the slightest knowledge about suicidal behavior or its symptoms can help us in preventing suicide.

How to identify suicidal behavior?

Researchers have emphasized an acronym to provide a crisp overview of the possible symptoms for suicidal behavior:


I – Ideation: Suicidal ideation is the conception of thoughts about quitting life, or planning to commit suicide. And this thought predominantly occupies the mind inducing suicidal behavior.

S – Substance abuse: The relationship between substance use and suicide is an unending affair. Individuals see substance as a way to numb their pain and overcome depression. But the same behavior stands as a threat to the lives. Most individuals deliberately intoxicate themselves to take their life.

P – Purposelessness: Risks of suicide increases with the loss of purpose of life. Someone who thinks who has lost the meaning of life or the reason to live is susceptible to killing oneself.

A – Anxiety: Anxiety disorders are complex psychological problems. Anyone undergoing major depression or experiencing mental illness are more likely to lose the strength and attitude towards life. It often paves the way for suicide attempts.

T – Trapped: Feeling of being entrapped in a tough situation or a complicated problem, and thinking of there is no way out of it except death.

H – Hopelessness: This is closely associated with the entrapment phase. The act of losing hope on life and consistent worries about the future provokes the person to take his/her life.

W – Worthlessness: Persistent thoughts of doubting their self-worth and feeling as if their life has no significance in the world. Considering themselves as a burden to family, and merely comparing themselves to nonentities.

A – Anger: Anger is the root cause of many problems. Likewise, uncontrollable anger results in the impulsive thoughts of ending life.

R – Recklessness: Involving in activities without bothering about the consequences. People with high reckless behavior are much impulsive towards committing suicides.

M – Mood Swings: Sudden mood changes such as lingering between extreme happiness and sorrow, exhibiting perpetual sadness, and disinterest in life.

Apart from the above signs, Aloofness, withdrawal from friends and family, exhibiting dramatic changes in character, appearance, and attitude are possible signs of suicidal behavior.

There are enormous reasons that amount to killing oneself. However, Anger issues and substance are found to be the common reasons for suicide attempts in men. In women, the debacles they face in their day to day life induces suicidal thoughts.


Suicide is inhibitable. Yet we lose a life to self-destruction every 40 seconds. People with suicidal thoughts are always seeking out for help in some way. They even consciously make some unsuccessful suicide attempts to send a signal to their friends and family.

How to help them?

Converse: A modicum of compassion, empathy, emotional support, and care could inhibit someone from attempting suicide. Spending some time to talk with a suicidal person is the best way to help them. WHO, in association with IASP, encourages everyone to spend 40 seconds of their time to initiate a conversation to show concern over someone’s life. It is a way of showing people they are not alone, which could drag someone away from suicide.

Counseling: In some situations, People tend to suffer despite the emotional support. In such cases, only trained mental health professionals such as psychological counselors could help them. Find a therapist. While looking for the right therapist, Counsellors listed on Three Best Rated® are known to be reliable. Attending counseling sessions helps to find a way out of suicidal thoughts.