From Athlete To Entrepreneur: NBA Pro Charles Smith On The 5 Work Ethic Lessons We Can Learn From Professional Athletes
Unstoppable: How Paralympian Mallory Weggemann made incredible accomplishments despite paralysis
Ornella Barra of Walgreen’s Boots Alliance: 5 Steps We Must Take To Truly Create An Inclusive, Representative, and Equitable Society
Madelaine Guppy of Wheelhouse Labs – Don’t worry about being wrong or failing, just never stop learning — if you do, then worry!
Entrepreneur and Author Mark Schaefer – Add your own story, establish your own voice. To stand out you have to be original. To be original, you have to add your personality. There’s only one you. You have no competition.
Al Hutchinson of Visit Baltimore: Great leadership fosters an environment where people feel connected and empowered to speak up and share their input.
Stefan Harvalias of Plenty of Fish: “The pandemic has made many people re-evaluate what’s most important in life — and that includes dating”
Tim Angelillo of Sourced Craft Cocktails: The Power of Flexibility; How I Was Able To Pivot To A New Exciting Opportunity Because Of The Pandemic
Ruth Álvarez-DeGolia of Mercado Global – Building your ability to listen and use it as a tool for problem solving, strategizing, and relationship building is not usually thought of as a key executive skill, but it should be
Podcast Stars Doree Shafrir and Kate Spencer of Forever35: 5 Things You Need To Know To Create A Very Successful Podcast
Rev. Dr. Lena Crouso of Southern Nazarene University – When people, as a group, cannot tell their shared story, we cannot create the bridges that we need.
Erin Busbee of Busbee Style: 5 Things You Need To Succeed In The Fashion Industry
Nicola Piggott & Anna Rozwandowicz of The Story Mob — success comes from empowering talented, ambitious people to do their thing, and while it can be hard to let go of having your fingers in everything, it’s important to step back and let your team completely own things.
Amber Allen of Double A Labs – A change in mindset is one of the most powerful tools for self-evolution.
Edyta Satchell of Satchelle Global Travel Wellness and Finelle – Failure is not an outcome of something that didn’t come out of the way we wanted it. It is a result of recalibration and re-alignment of our path to success.
Judith Jacques of Black Women in Media: “Why You Need To Be Teachable”
Rising Star Lance Alexander of Netflix’s Family Reunion – Learn to light your own inner flame, don’t let anything or anyone dim it or blow it out !
Craig Siegel of Cultivate Lasting Symphony: Why You Need To Ask the Tough Questions That The Audience Wants to Hear
Mandar Apte of Cities4Peace: 5 Steps That Each Of Us Can Take To Proactively Help Heal Our Country
Leslie Yerkes of of Catalyst Consulting Group: Giving Feedback; How To Be Honest Without Being Hurtful
Jenn Lishansky of ‘Be Social Change’: Giving Feedback; How To Be Honest Without Being Hurtful
Allison Welch of ‘As You Wish’: “5 Ways To Create a Wow! Customer Experience”
Nora Sheils of Rock Paper Coin: “5 Ways To Create a Wow! Customer Experience”
Gina DiStefano of USCHAG: Giving Feedback; How To Be Honest Without Being Hurtful
Fatma Collins of Ten Little: “5 Ways To Create a Wow! Customer Experience”
Meagen Johnson of Jane: “5 Ways To Create a Wow! Customer Experience”
Author TJ Nelligan: 5 Steps That Each Of Us Can Take To Proactively Help Heal Our Country
Max Hirsch: Make sure your idea solves a problem — If you solve a problem you position yourself in the market. You create value.
Tiffany Williams of Rich Girl Collective: “5 Ways To Create a Wow! Customer Experience”
Karen Anne Jacks of Della Ricca Hair Color: “5 Ways To Create a Wow! Customer Experience”
Rising Star Jacques Chevelle On The Five Things You Need To Shine In The Entertainment Industry
Rising Star and Entrepreneur LaNease Adams: 5 Steps We Must Take To Truly Create An Inclusive, Representative, and Equitable Society
Dr. Robin Stern of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence: How To Live With Joy Even When It Feels Like The Whole World Is Pulling You Down
Michael Radnia of Besa mi Vino: 5 Things You Need To Create a Successful Spirit Brand
Jasmine Maietta of round21 – Staying open to learning and humble in the process is critical to building anything in life — especially new brands.
Craig Siegel of Cultivate Lasting Symphony: “Life’s too short not to try. Find the thing you absolutely love and make it your life; You might as well fail at something you do love; Or better yet, maybe you’ll fly”