
(Not) A Milestone Birthday: What The Art of Gathering Taught Me, Part II

Taking the Art of Gathering to a 2-Year-Old’s Birthday Party

We Can Build Our Dreams at Any Age

Thoughts on Turning 70

Tips on celebrating birthdays when Corona Virus pandemic?

Keys to an Amazing “Post-Lockdown” Birthday Party.

A Meaningful Birthday Celebration Under Coronavirus Quarantine

Depressed about a birthday during lockdown? Make a plan…

Birthed Memories For A Blessed Year!

It’s my party….and I’ll THRIVE if I want to!

SoundBath Experience – The Integratron

A Loving Letter to a Little Lady.

Change is the Birthday Gift I Gave Myself This Year

You have permission to defy expectations.

How You Spend Your Days Is How You Spend Your Life

How Jennifer Aniston Embodies Our Cultural Shift Around Aging

What I’ve Learned in 22,646 Days

How Growing Older Has Taught Me That the Best Is Still Ahead