It feels like we live in the Divided States of America. We’re in a dual crisis with health and humanity in dire need of healing and connection. Covid-19 has taken the breath away from over 400,000 people and our losses continue every day. Injustice and polarizing politics have deflated our spirit. We’re hurting on many levels from disease to toxic mindset and sick behavior. Now is the time to decide to change so we can emerge from this unprecedented time in an unprecedented way that unites us. We’re holding our collective breath while trying to stay alive physiologically and emotionally–it’s not sustainable. We live in a daily state of “fight or flight” that’s causing chronic stress. We need some big exhales to release this sense of despair. The world may still be closed down but our hearts need to begin to open up.
Breath can be the catalyst that transforms fear and uncertainty into hope and humanity. George Floyd’s last three words knocked the wind out of us. We need to get back up mindfully with renewed inner strength and solidarity. Breath has the power to heal especially now that we’re acutely aware of the gift of breath and the fragility of life. We can’t ignore the alignment of suffocation through both disease and injustice. All signs point to breath.
Let’s tap into the power of our breath to reconnect to ourselves and then gradually revive as a culture with more kindness and compassion. We can honor those lost and those who work tirelessly to save lives. We can ignite the United Breath of America. Breath is a sustainable resource for reconnecting humanity in our country. It’s a prescription that’s safe for everyone and it can cure so much of what ails us. We can start with one deep breath…right now. Also, imagine that when you receive your Covid vaccine you take a purpose-filled inhale and a detoxifying exhale. Out with the old and in with the new. Ahhhh. We can create an intentional healing energy with a powerful ripple effect.
Continuous shallow, automatic/default breath needs to be called out as a health hazard; it’s actually causing more anxiety. The quality of your breath controls your mindset and energy; it’s neuroscience. You have choices about how you think and feel. Let’s take back control with empowering breath. Let’s replace the invisible germ that we’ve been running from with the invisible energy of breath that we gravitate toward.
Remote work, at-home school, loss of commerce and income, physical distancing, political polarization and virtual communication (whew!) have left us overwhelmed. Our mental health is suffering at an alarming rate. We’re seen and heard as a small virtual box in a sea of digital squares. Are we working from home or living at work? We may be there virtually but we’re never fully present. Our devices are dictating where our attention goes and that’s a decision that should come from within. 2020 was an uphill climb and I’m not sure we see the Summit yet. We’ve witnessed devastation of epic proportion. Life will no longer be the same…and it shouldn’t. This is a wake up call. Let’s breathe in a way that empowers us to create wellbeing for the greater good. There’s little that we can control these days but breath allows you to take charge mindfully of your thoughts and energy.
Breath takes you within to reconnect you to your core being. Our constant external focus is keeping us divided. The soundbites of sadness while we’re already in a state of panic is a double edged sword. Social media is much more media than social. Our thumbs have done way more work than our lungs. We’re not wired to live at the speed of wifi. We’ve lost our inner compass. Breath is meditation at the speed of life—it transforms in small moments. We need this pause to truly stop and reflect.
If we look at our “stay-at-home” orders from a different perspective, we can begin to transform. Home is where the heart is, literally. Go inward. That’s where you really live. That’s where you create the energy that feeds your mind and creates your words that turn into actions. Let’s spend some quality time in our true home. Breath is the key that unlocks that door and always welcomes you home. Breath equalizes wellbeing. It’s a superpower accessible to one and all. It’s yours for the taking. Lets emerge from Pandemic in a mindful way fueled by breath and purpose. Even before Pandemic, we had lost an integral part of our humanity to technology and this is an opportunity to recalibrate; unplug and inhale. Relax. Be still. Listen. Enjoy a moment of peace and quiet internally.
Going inward is the most coveted destination these days. We can create comfort and solace with even just one deep, mindful breath. Breath is the vehicle that can take you where you need to go mentally and emotionally, in any given moment. As B.K.S Iyengar says, “The mind is king of the senses but the breath is king of the mind.” You’ve got your own unique inner sanctuary that’s always accessible if you just close your eyes and breathe while slowly melting into your mind and body. We need more Vitamin D(iaphragm) to nourish our soul. Breath and mindfulness should be your source of energy; not the news, not fear or uncertainty. Dig deep. Reconnect to your core. Find your best self. How we emerge from this challenging time period begins with how we breathe…because breath creates energy.
Let’s breathe so mindfully that we collectively inhale unity and exhale divisiveness. The sickening energies of Covid and injustice will continue if we let them, instead let’s make breath and mindfulness go viral. Each post-Covid hug and un-masked smile can have a ripple effect of optimism. Each breath we take can be a new source of joy. Breath is freedom. Breath is life. Breath is power. Breath begins within each of us and keeps our dreams alive. Let’s make breath a unifier.
You’ve got everything you need within. You know what you need to do, breathe into that. You know what you need to change, breathe through that. You know what you need to let go of, breathe that out. Breath is the vehicle for healing. Where can we go together? Can we breathe into a new state of humanity that will bind USAllTogether?
#UnitedBreathOfAmerica #RedWhite&BREATHE