If you are constantly tired or suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness, you may benefit from learning ways to conserve energy in extreme fatigue.
Definition: It is the subjective report of an increased desire to fall asleep and lack of energy during the day even after an adequate night’s sleep. It may indicate the presence of a medical disorder.
Examples: Excessive daytime sleepiness, including the desire to nap, can be due to sleep deprivation or an underlying medical condition.
Any of the sleep disorders, including insomnia, sleep apnea, and narcolepsy, can cause fatigue. This can be greatly debilitating. But with careful planning and by making some simple accommodations, you will be able to conserve energy and thrive in spite of your extreme fatigue.
Start with Careful Planning and Organization
It is a bit surprising how much energy we consume by simply retracing our steps. We wander our homes and workplaces fetching items to perform our tasks. If we forget what we are after, or haven’t planned our day’s activities, this phenomenon is multiplied.
Start by carefully planning everything that you do. Make lists. Organize ahead of time so you can group activities or errands and combine chores. Try to alternate tasks that take lots of energy with those that will allow you to rest. Arrange your activities so you aren’t going up and down stairs. Lastly, try to delegate as much as possible, especially with tasks that can easily be done by someone else.
With Plans in Place, Pace Yourself
Develop a routine that allows you to be as effective as possible. If you are highly energetic at a certain time of day, arrange the activities that require the most effort to take place then. If you know you get tired in the early afternoon, make this a time for quiet tasks that allow you to rest.
Always try to balance your activity, alternating between intense activity and those tasks that are restful. Try to avoid spurts of activity that can drain your energy. Pace yourself throughout the day. By all means, stop before you get too tired, even if it means stopping in the middle of an activity. By developing and following a routine, you’ll be able to complete all your tasks.
Set Up Your Life to Make Things Easier
We have lives of great convenience, and when you are fatigued, you need to make use of these opportunities. Certain items may help you avoid lifting, bending, or reaching, which can drain your limited energy stores. Common appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers will minimize the efforts in performing household chores.
Try to keep your house and workspace organized. Keep commonly used objects accessible. When you go shopping, bring a list and consolidate errands when possible.
There are some simple accommodations that may make you more successful at home. These include:
Prepare Meals by Planning Ahead
Make it easy on yourself by using mixes or pre-packaged foods and gather all the ingredients before you get started. Try to serve from the same dish you prepared it in to cut down on dishes. When you are feeling energized, cook extra food and freeze it for later use. As a last resort, take advantage of local programs that may deliver food to your home.
Get Help with Your Children
Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends in taking care of your children. When you can, take advantage of daycare programs. Try to plan activities that allow you to sit or lie down. Recognize your limits and reach out to others when it becomes too much.
Housework Doesn’t Have to Be Your Struggle
Spread out tasks over the week or month, and try to plan things for when you have the most energy. Use appliances that minimize your labor, including dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers.
Focus on Your Priorities
If you suffer from extreme fatigue, you are likely not going to be able to do everything that you once did before. Be realistic with yourself about your limitations. Carefully reflect on your priorities in life, and focus on these. No one will fault you for putting yourself first. Focus your limited energy on the things that are most important to you.
Remain Your Energy
Nowadays it is important to stay active and fresh as you have to keep up to the dizzy pace of your lives. In this case, try to follow the following solutions:
- Plan and organize your day properly and carefully;
- Develop a routine that allows you to be as effective as possible;
- Try to keep your house and workspace organized. For example, prepare meals by planning ahead, get help with your children, and spread out tasks over the week or month.
- Be realistic with yourself about your limitations and focus on your priorities.