Gregg Korrol is a Results Coach helping people transform their life both professionally and personally. Gregg works with top CEOs, Emmy Winning Producers, Artists and others who are looking to take life to the next level. Gregg is the Author of the Bestselling novel, The Gifted Storyteller: The Power is in the Story You Tell. Gregg also works in the field of education, with over 20 years experience as a teacher and Principal in NYC. He has received numerous awards and accolades as a leader in his field, and sat on various advisory teams for top education officials. Utilizing his degree in Psychology from StonyBrook University and certification in Strategic Intervention in coaching, Gregg’s focus is on helping others become the hero of their own story. Gregg currently lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife and daughter. You can follow Gregg on his website,, Instagram @thegiftedstoryteller and email him at [email protected]