
20 projects in 2020

Why A Seat At the Table is Unnecessary

How to be Top Cat when you’re working from home

Pleasures of going for a walk

How the Camino & Consulting taught me to breathe through Corona

Calm and Conscious

Cold-Weather Jumpstart: A Brisk Walk Can Reduce Stress and Boost Your Mood

The Best Ways To Relax and Unwind

Taking a Break: The Forgotten Benefits

I Avoided Burnout By Making Walking Part of My Business Strategy

3 Ways to Practice Moving Meditation

A Wandering Pursuit: On The Beauty of Walking Without a Destination

Bluemercury’s Marla Beck Shares How Rejection and Failure Led to Huge Success

Moving Connections

Do These 4 Things Before Bed If You Want To Feel Less Stressed

The 4 Tactics I Use To Come Up With Fresh Ideas

The One Easy Trick That Will Sharpen Your Decision-Making

11 Fun Activities To Do This Weekend Instead of Going to the Gym


Travel diary…Port of Dover

Street Wisdom: An urban approach to mindfulness

A Tale of Two Falls — How a Healthy Lifestyle Stopped a Fracture in Its Tracks

Six Fitness Tips for Busy People

6 Tips to Overcome Any Annoying Workout Injuries
A True Vagabond’s Guideline for Travelling -Within Our Bodies

The Day I Learned What Self Care Really Meant

5 Physical Activities That Will Boost Your Mental Strength Right Now